I Like My Markets Like I Like My Pepsi: Black, Bubbling, and Free From Government Intervention
Slate reviews a book that is definitely on my reading list, given my interest in black markets and anarcho-capitalist economies:
The result, Off the Books: The Underground Economy of the Urban Poor, suggests that in some American neighborhoods, the underground economy is a source not just of sustenance but of order, and that while shady transactions may be illegal, they adhere to a distinctive and sophisticated set of laws.
As the article states, it brings to mind a great old headline from the Onion: "It's Not a Crack House, It's a Crack Home".
Hi Scott,
Just wanted to wish you a merry christmas. Hope you have a great holiday season and a happy new year!
Hi Scott
Just sortof randomly found your blog. Hope you have a Merry Christmas with your parents :)
Julie BN
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