Sunday, March 26, 2006

Final Forewarning

OK, sorry it's taking me forever to post about my trip. Soon, I promise. I've had a lot of work to catch up on as a new term began, and let's be perfectly clear about the jet lag associated with making a 13-hour time difference up in the equivalent of half an hour: it's awful. I thought I was fine after the second night back, when I slept half decently. But it stuck around for at least 4 days of utter exhaustion, thus blogging was put on the back burner. Or off the stove completely.

To ease back into it, I do have to offer my congratulations to George Mason University for making it to the Final Four in men's college basketball. I've been rooting for these underdogs all the way, as GMU would be one of my top couple of choices if I ever go back to school due to the awesome economics department at the school and a strong libertarian bent among many members of the faculty. As Tim Cavanaugh at Reason humorously put it: "For the first time, libertarians win something."


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