Monday, July 31, 2006

Obligatory Mel Gibson Post

Not wanting to miss out on the hottest topic screaming across the blososphere, I thought I should say three words about Mel Gibson's anti-Semitic rant while being arrested for drunk driving (which also included of the Passion of the Christ filmmaker calling a female officer "sugar tits"). And while this proves without question that Mel Gibson is a racist idiot, this stereotype shouldn't be extended to everyone on the Christian right. But it is very interesting that the same guy who made a movie that was called anti-Semitic (a charge that was vehemously denied) has turned around and said that Jews are responsible for everything that's wrong with the world after having a few drinks. Will this be the end of Gibson's career in Hollywood? I think he's got some tough times ahead, no matter what kind of ham-fisted apology he makes. Of course, this incident is ripe for satire.


At 11:03 AM, Blogger The Offensive Coordinator said...

Perhaps I misspoke. I guess it just means he's a FUCKING ASSHOLE.


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